

2023年中国(宁波)中东欧国家青年创业创新中心重装开业,深度陪跑企业的发展和创新,为,驻客商提供便利化的政府公共服务和新外贸供应链综合服务,旨在积极促进宁波与中东欧贸易便化;青创中心整合了业界内创业导师资源,配备了由技术专家、成功企业家、天使投资人、管理咨询家等优秀人士组成的专职和兼职创业导师队伍,为入驻企业和人才提供创业辅导、培训、税务、财务法务、翻译、咨询等一体化成长解决方案,对入驻并符合中东欧及"一带一路"沿线国家企业、国际创:创新载体、国际技术转移机构和人才等给予政策支持和奖励;青创中心以一站式运营服务为宗旨,通过线上线下搭建宁波与亚欧的双向贸易、投资经贸合作台,倾情打造宁波"一带一路"新优势,助力中国一中东欧国家经贸合作示范区,加快建设、赋能宁“一带一路”高质量发展。In 2023,The China (Ningbo) Central & Eastern Europe Youth Innovation Center wc reopened to provide in depth support for our clients development and innovation, facilitat government public services and provide new foreign trade supply chain services for settle enterprises. Our aims is to actively promote the facilitation of trade between Ningbo and CEThrough integrating the resources of entrepreneurial mentors in the industry, our tear consisted of full time and part-time entrepreneurial mentors consisting of technologists, su cessful entrepreneurs, angel investors, management consultants and other outstandin people, to provide integrated growth solutions for our clients , such as entrepreneurial cour selling, training, taxation, finance, legal affairs, translation and consulting, etc., YEIC provide policy support and incentives to enterprises, international entrepreneurship, innovation carr ers, internationa| technology transfer organizations and talents who are settled and meet th requirements of the “Belt and Road" policy in Central and Eastern Europe and China.With the aim of providing all-in-one operation services, by building a platform fo two-way trade, investment and economic cooperation between Ningbo and Asia & Europ through online and offline services, YEIC creates new advantages for Ningbo“Belt and Road help demonstrate a model zone for economic and trade cooperation between China an CEE, speed up the construction and empower the high-quality development of Ningbo "Be--and Road:-------- -------0------
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